Sunday, November 3, 2019

The winds of life...

The winds of life blow where they will. Who knows where they come from or where they go to? (Answer: we do! We know! God is in control of all those winds!)

The Holy Spirit is providentially arranging that we are blown to Guatemala in four waves, with four separate vans leaving COTW between 9:30pm tonight (Sunday, November 3) and 5:30am tomorrow morning (Monday, Nov 4). We will arrive in Guatemala City between noon and 10:35pm on Monday, November 4.

Students International has all our travel details and will pick us up at the airport. They do this all the time and are uber-experienced. I will post some blog update Tuesday, signifying that we have landed and are all in the country.

We are being carried by the winds of the Holy Spirit! We have wise concern from a human standpoint for all contingencies. We are prepared!

God bless you all!

-Tyler Nelson
LIFT Associate Director