Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Planting trees, planting faith

This morning the Appropriate Technology site took part in a tree-planting activity with some of the women in the community of Magdalena.

They met in the central park and walked up the hill to the property of one of the women's fathers. These women take part in a community financial commitment to save up money for each other's stoves. These stoves are large financial investments, relative to their income, but they incredibly increase the health, productivity, and efficiency of their home cooking.

The women have regular meetings with the site leaders Carlos and Kevin, where these full-time missionaries who work with SI build relationships and share the gospel of Jesus Christ through the occupation of building and installing stoves and helping to transform homes and communities.

These trees were planted with the idea that the stoves burn wood, and the site leaders hope to educate the women about the sustainability of wood sources, with the imagery of giving back to the environment, from which they are taking wood to cook food, by planting trees.

The students at this site, Russell Kennedy, Nate Nanda, Ethan Smith, and Jonathan Carter, have been building relationships with the children in these families, helping serve by building and installing stoves, and learning alongside Carlos and Kevin, who have a heart for relationships and sharing about Jesus Christ.

The morning was concluded with a message from Carlos about the righteous person who is like a tree planted by streams of living water, bearing fruit in the name of Jesus Christ, encouraging these women to plant themselves in Jesus Christ so that they will never be hungry or thirsty, but will always be provided for in deep, spiritual truth.

From Psalm 1:

Blessed is the person who does walk with the wicked,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of living water,
which yields its fruit in season.

-Tyler Nelson
LIFT Associate Director


  1. So proud of you, Nate! We continue to pray for you and your team!

  2. Great to see Russell in action there!
