Saturday, March 16, 2019

Countdown to Launch

Greetings brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ.

On behalf of the whole of LIFT 41 I would like to thank you for your prayers and support for our upcoming time of ministry in Ecuador from March 18th  - April 3rd.  All of us are eagerly awaiting our departure from JFK on Sunday; although some are more anxious than others at the thought of packing all they need between supplies for lessons and adventure gear. I would urge you all to continue praying, specifically for Christ to prepare our hearts and give us right motive and discernment in the Spirit, that we bond with our brothers and sisters in Ecuador and encourage them in their faith, and that we also show Christ to those who don’t yet know Him.
This past week was the traditional LIFT "rice and beans fast" where the intention is to fast from variety and quantity of food in hopes that we can arrive in Ecuador with a focused dependence on Christ. I spoke with a few LIFTers about what God has been able to demonstrate to them via the fast. Lynette Estola, said that God really opened up her eyes to the confession and repentance aspect which is also another specific discipline were focusing on this week. She speaks on how holding onto any type of sin is, for all intense and purposes, is a wall between you and God and can corrupt your personal relationship with him and become a door to darkness. Fasting for her has helped her recognize this and take a more focused stance spiritually, being ready to repent and to confess that sin, so as to fully open her heart for the Spirit to be present with her in Ecuador.
I also spoke with Christine Miserendino, one our Spanish speakers who will be aiding our group as a translator in addition to a few other ministries. Out of LIFT 41’s twenty-seven disciples, we are blessed to have 6 that are fluent in Spanish. Christine is so excited to be able to serve in this capacity but she asks for prayers that she would be able to speak smoothly and clearly. Let’s pray these blessings for Christine along with the other translators.
With the translation ministry there are ten total ministry groups: Testimonies, Preaching, Worship, Children’s Praise, High-Energy Games, Sunday School Lessons, Drama Team, Dance Team, English Education, Bloggers, and Photography. Most LIFTer’s have had to join three ministry teams and we’ve been really busy in preparation. We would greatly appreciate prayers for each of these groups specifically.

On top of all these focuses, we also ask for prayer for a safe flight, guidance for our selfless leaders, and prayer for the people in Ecuador. Our prayer verse for this first entry is 1 Peter 1:39 “Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 

Amen and thanks for reading, Christ be with you.

Jason Bryce


  1. Excited for you all. Can’t wait see read more and see pictures.

  2. Praying for you all as you begin your time in Ecuador! It is great to hear how God has been preparing you for this time. May God protect you and richly bless your time there!

  3. Thank you so much for writing and posting this. We will be following all of your blog posts!
