Friday, March 23, 2018

Better Late Than Never

Tim: Hi everyone.  I finally have reliable internet service and was able to get the blog post Alexa sent me just prior to the trip when I had no time in the office because of packing and last-minute logistics of traveling to Ecuador.  So here is her post a week later but still very informative in helping to understand some of what LIFT has done to prepare for our time in Ecuador.  

Friday, March  16

After much long-awaited anticipation, our trip to Ecuador is finally here! This past week, we were continuing in our preparations, from finishing up lesson plans for Sunday School, to practicing worship music, to working on the skits and dances we have all been planning and practicing with each of our ministry teams. 

Aside from this, we have been spiritually preparing our hearts by spending this week to focus on prayer and fasting. We all partook in the infamous LIFT “rice and beans” week, which is a week where we are challenged to eat only rice and beans for every meal. This fast is designed to remind ourselves that having abundance and variety with food is something we become so accustomed to that we can often take it for-granted. In Kate’s Spiritual Transformation class, we have been learning and practicing the spiritual disciplines and experiencing how they can help us grow spiritually and have better fellowship with God. The purpose is to empty ourselves in order for God to fill us up and to rid ourselves of the things that curb our appetite for God. Some decided to also fast from entire meals, or from things such as social media, or listening to music. Tonight we celebrated the culmination of our week with a time of sharing what we have learned, partaking in communion, and eating a home-cooked meal together (which tasted so good after rice and beans all week!). We were reflecting on what John 6:35 means, where Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” All of LIFT would unanimously agree that this communal fast has been really challenging, but incredibly growing and valuable in helping us prepare for ministry work. Some valuable lessons God has taught us this week has been true reliance on God when we feel weak, discipline and self-control, thankfulness for God’s provision, and an increased ability to commune with God without the distractions of food or technology. 

I ask that you keep us in prayer as we embark on our long trek from the Adirondack Mountains to the Andes Mountains, that travel will go smoothly and safely. I also ask that you pray that we can put to practice everything we have learned this semester and do it all for the glory of God. ¡Adios, America!


Tim: If you like to not just read what we are up to be also see it, I will start posting pictures on the LIFT 39 photo album on the LIFT Discipleship Program Facebook page as we get them. 

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