Monday, March 27, 2017

El Chaco

LIFT 37 Ecuador Mission Trip - Blog Post #3
Tim Trezise

Hi everyone - just a quick update to let you all know that our time in El Chaco went very well.  We helped clear the land and clean things up around the church in Chonta Loma then the next day walked through that community to invite youth to our afternoon evangelistic program in the town sports pavilion.  We also had opportunities to share the gospel with families in their homes or on the streets. The youth outreach included games, skits, lessons and songs to about 70 children.

Our times of worshiping with our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters was full of joy and energy as LIFTers and Ecuadorians shared responsibilities of different parts of the services we attended (teaching Bible lessons, sharing testimonies and messages, dances, dramatizations, and leading singing).

On Friday afternoon, we spent time getting blasted with by the intense spray from Cascada del Rio Malo then went to see the largest waterfall in Ecuador, Cascada San Rafael.  Sunday afternoon people chose to either go with Rick Borman on a beautiful jungle hike or experience the jungle by floating through it on rafts with some class IV rapids to navigate along the way.  Our last time together with the church members was playing soccer until almost midnight under the lights on the turf stadium.

We have returned to El Refugio to help with work projects this afternoon and will pack again tonight to head out early tomorrow to Oyacachi for a few days.

Keep praying the God would work in our hearts and those we are with.  We have seen him working powerfully in unexpected ways already.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the updates and pictures on Facebook. It is so good to be able to know how to pray and follow you along on your amazing yourney.
