Saturday, November 5, 2016

Holistic Ministry

Tyler, Rachel and I spent yesterday visiting each occupational ministry site that the LIFT students are serving at.  The purpose was to gain an overview of how the missionaries from Students International are demonstrating their love for the Guatemalan people.  Each ministry site looks for ways to help meet the people’s needs and through opening the door of building trust and relationships, to help them understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and grow in their faith.

Students International (SI) has national and North American missionaries working in social work, tutoring, special education, agribusiness, veterinary services, microfinance, creative arts, sports (soccer), and child sponsorship (similar to Compassion International).  The variety of these ministries reaches across all ages/generations and genders of the local population and many of these sites are integrated with each other.   The LIFT students (2 to 5 per site) are assigned to one site for their two weeks here to assist and learn about missions from their site director. 

The health care and appropriate technology sites are a great example of the intentionality and integration of these sites ministering to the breadth of people’s needs. Abby is a nurse serving in the health care site.  She works is currently working in two communities addressing the problem of malnutrition with screening tests, educating the people about diet and nutrition and holding classes on cooking.  Her husband, Noah runs the appropriate technology site which manufactures smokeless ovens and water filters from concrete forms.  Respiratory problems from cooking with open fires in the homes and water-borne diseases are a concern in the more rural communities such as Magdalena, Buena Vista, El Tablon, and San Miguel.  By providing means for safer cooking and clean water, the overall health care of the people will greatly improve.  The health care and appropriate technology sites partner with the leadership of the local churches in their outreaches to focus on the spiritual health of the people.  It is inspiring to see the ministries of this young married couple and the churches teaming together to address the various health problems of these communities.  Students International has been a catalyst in getting local churches united in purpose to more effectively reach the people.

In all the different sites, the LIFTers are seeing first-hand the benefits of ministries partnering together to develop lasting relationships with the people and addressing their needs.

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