Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ecuador 2018

Hi everyone - we have been busy with no office time since we hit the ground running here in Ecuador.  I apologize for the delay in getting the word out about our travel and arrival - everything was very smooth and things are flowing well.  The LIFTers are busy serving in a variety of work projects to help with the facilities and grounds of El Refugio and helping prepare for a big mud race that will host over 1,400 people here in two weeks.  I attempted to post our first blog when sitting in the Atlanta airport but could not access the file that Alexa emailed me, so we will have to wait on that post. Here is our first post from Ecuador that Rosie wrote while traveling.

Tim Trezise

Following Jesus: A Journey and Adventure
Rosie Robbins

This morning (Sunday, March 18) LIFT 39 woke up with a purpose. We had places to be. For today we begin our mission. After prayer with the full time staff in the basement of Delaware, we piled into vans amidst inky 3 A.M. blackness. The excitement of this day has been ripening since week 1 of LIFT, when Tim began his first Holistic Ministry Practicum class. During that first class, we spent time unpacking the meaning of missions. Tim spoke with passion in his eyes about how we would have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Ecuador.  When the Lord calls his disciples, he is really inviting them on a journey, and a journey with Jesus is not something you want to pass up. When Jesus extends his hand and invites you on an adventure, you prepare your heart, draw near to Him, and you GO. 

Fast forward to week 11 and here we are, currently sitting on a flight to Atlanta. This is the first leg of our trip; from here we will have a 5 hour layover, and then hop on a plane leaving at 6 P.M. to Quito. Once we arrive, we spend an hour on a bus, driving to our first destination, El Refugio. That is one of the beautiful parts of going on a journey with Jesus, every moment becomes an adventure. He invites everyone, but only the feet of those who are willing to trust Him with the itinerary go. In the process of trusting Jesus with the journey, we are slowly shaped to see Him at work in every moment. From safety on the roads, and in the air, to the hands held in prayer… the Lord’s hand is ordering our every step. 

We are not sure exactly what Ecuador has for us, but we can look forward willing to go wherever God has called us as a team. He is our ultimate guide, and knows just how to use us in our unqualified state. He works through the logistics, valleys, and soiled knees. What a beautiful reality and blessing it is to embark on this present journey with Jesus.

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