Sunday, November 3, 2013

“Vale la Pena”
Buenas Tardes, from the top porch of the Students International (SI) headquarters! During orientation, Kimberly from the SI staff taught us the phrase “vale la pena” which literally means value the pain or worth the pain or count the cost. As we are daily seeing, the SI staff fully embraces and rejoices in the Lord despite the trials they experience here in Jarabacoa, because of the far greater worth of the gospel being preached. (1 Peter 4:12–19)
Reciting this phrase has been a source of encouragement and sometimes humor, for all of us “LIFTers” and leaders as we work at our respective sites and experience new adventures. In the last couple of days, we have had opportunities to go on challenging hilly runs, go shopping downtown, eat delicious Dominican food, ice cream, and fro-yo, test our faith with cliff jumping,  and experience Class IV white water rafting. We definitely had to tell ourselves to “vale la pena” while being tossed around in the raft while shooting down the river and jumping off the large rock into the rushing water. Many prayers, screams, laughs, songs, fun times, and stories were experienced and we are praising the Lord for His protection!

Currently, half of the group is at afternoon church, while the other half of us are enjoying a relaxing Sabbath after a wonderful time of worship and teaching at the Good Samaritan Church just down the road. Prayer for the health of the whole LIFT gang would be greatly appreciated as our days are kept busy and we experience new places, food, beverages, and germs!  We would specifically ask for protection from serious injuries and stomach illnesses and that we would rejoice in the Lord despite whatever illnesses, trials, and difficult times we experience.
Below are specific prayer requests concerning each of the ministry sites we are working in and around the mountain town of Jarabacoa.

-Strength for the site leaders, Nick and Sam, as they work non-stop serving the dental needs of the Jarabacoa people.

-Opportunities to share the love of Christ with each of their patients.

Girl’s Sports:
- Encouragement for the site leaders, Chelsea and Jessica.
-That the girls would view Chelsea and Jessica as Christ-loving mentors, not just coaches.

view a video of this ministry at:

Boy’s Sports:
- Continued strength and encouragement for Raul who has taken on the role of coach, teacher, spiritual leader, and father figure for the boys in multiple communities.

Special Education:
- Encouragement, strength, and rest for the extremely hard working site leader, Karen, and her husband Mike.

- Continued cooperation and opportunities with the Minister of Education.
-The teachers, who use all of their energy to teach, feed, help, and minister to the students.

-The student’s health and understanding of the Gospel.
Education in El Callejon:
- Rest and strength for Jocasta (site leader) who has a desire to bring up a new generation of kids that will know the Lord in Jarabacoa.

-For the love of Christ to be shown to the two Haitian kids who wait outside the gate of the school and desire to play with the students.
-That the students would continue in the Word after they leave the school.

Education @ Los Higos:
- For the Lord to fill up Michael, Carmen, and Hector (site leaders) so that they can do the Lord’s work to the best of their ability.

-That the site would receive enough financial support in order to continue.
-For the children to get a good idea of who the Lord is.

Education @ Mata Gorda:
-The site leader  Alberto and his assistant who have big hearts for the kids by utilizing immense amounts of energy.
- Spiritual and physical strength for them to keep up their work.

- That the kids would see Christ’s love through the school.

- Strength and encouragement for Miriam, Eric, and Jeremy (site leaders) who are able to share the Word with the women they are helping but are unsure if they are sincerely accepting.

- That the women’s hearts would be convicted of their need for a Savior.

Physical Therapy:
- Byron and Becca’s ability to communicate God’s love with the people they are helping at the site.

-Encouragement for the site leader and his efforts to learn English.

Community Health Care:
- Strength for Dr. Fernando who is extremely busy with patients, traveling, and attending seminary school.

-That Asha, Mike, and Brendyn would be able to learn great things from his amazing work in Jarabacoa.

Social Work @ Los Higos:
- For the women to truly feel God’s presence in their lives and to not just hear the gospel but to really accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

-Safety for the young and unmarried pregnant women especially during the delivery of their babies in the upcoming months.
-Strength for both of the site leaders to continue their work.

Social Work @ El Callejon:
- Encouragement and strength for Daisy (site leader).

- The provision of another site worker to help Daisy minister to the hurting women in the community.

Psalm 107:28-30
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper;   the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.”

 Deborah Fritzler

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